Table Of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. An HTML Templet The Head
  3. The Body
    2. Headings
    3.   Paragraphs
    4. Line Breaks, Spaces and Horizontal Rules
  4. Links
  5. Text Decoration
  6. Tables
    1. <table>
    2. <tr>
    3. <th>
    4. <td>
    5. colspan
    6. rowspan
  7. Introduction To Forms
    1. Form Attributes
    2. Method
    3. Post vs Get
    4. Action
    5. Input
  8. PHP vs Javascript
    Make PHP act like Javascript with iframes
  9. List Of Form Elements
  10. Text Input, Password, Submit, Reset
  11. Textarea, Hidden
  12. Radio, Checkbox, Select and Option
  13. File, Image, Color, Range
  14. Datetime-Local, Time, Date, Week, Month
  15. Email, Number, Tel, URL